Finding your footing in the new normal after COVID-19 can be difficult. But there’s help to get from the Excel sheets. Marc Moss, Global Head of Sales at Nippon Express, on how big data can increase your sales.

In the shipping industry, we often hear the term ‘big data’ flying around. It’s one of those fluffy terms that can be a little difficult to completely nail down.

Exactly nailing it down and keeping it simple is what Marc Moss, Global Head of Sales at Nippon Express, will strive to do at the Digital Container Summit 2020 in September.

Big data is a phrase used about complex data sets that are so voluminous that they are difficult to process.

Difficult as they may appear to be, big data can be very helpful for you and your business. Especially in a time after COVID-19, explains Moss.

“What I’m going to be talking about is how we can use that big data to improve our sales ratios. So how do we win more business by analyzing data?” he asks and continues:

“Using that data intelligently and really being able to go to market with much more strategic and better knowledge on how to attract our customers in the right way. But equally, how to say no to the wrong customers.”

The three fundamentals

Moss works with three fundamentals in any business. For you to get an overview of these fundamentals, big data can become your new best – and most profitable – friend.

Because market understanding is key and according to Moss, you need to know these things:

“The market you are in has a price. And a customer has a price they are willing to pay. Now, as a supplier, you have a cost. You’ve got to understand where that is in regard to the market price. That, first of all, tells you whether you’re procuring well or procuring badly,” he explains.

If your cost is higher than the market price, you have some work cut out for you. If your cost, on the other hand, is below market price, then you’re in a position for profit. And that can help you win, Moss points out.

Keep it simple

With more than 25 years of sales experience, Marc Moss characterizes himself as “sort of from the older generation”. However, that doesn’t stop him from following the technology and appreciating the help it can provide the industry. It just needs to be kept accessible, and that it will be at the DCS2020.

“If I can understand it, then I’m sure they can. Keeping it simple is really important,” he states.

You can hear more about how big data can help you grow your business and what the Nokia 3310 has to do with the industry in the video below 👇

About the Digital Container Summit 2020

This year’s Digital Container Summit will be just that – digital. We, at xChange, are creating an online event on September 3rd. That has all the most important features from last year’s Digital Container Summit. This way, you will get a full day of personal video meetings with other shipping companies organized for you to discuss business. As well as getting updated on the latest trends and changes in the industry.

Find, meet, and build businesses with new partners around the world. Schedule face-to-face personal meetings with thousands of owners, directors, operations people from the container shipping industry. All this, without the high traveling costs, VISA application, and accommodation.

There will also be keynote sessions and virtual workshops by industry leaders. These sessions will be live-streamed with an interactive chat. That way you can ask questions on the current topics, that’ll be discussed.

The Digital Container Summit 2020 is open to the entire container logistics industry. The DCS is the only industrywide networking opportunity in 2020.

So, click on the banner below, and give yourself the opportunity to expand your network and be updated on the on-goings in the industry, all from the comfort of your computer screen.

DCS Keynote Speaker can make Big Data your most Profitable Friend
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DCS Keynote Speaker can make Big Data your most Profitable Friend
Finding your footing in the new normal after COVID-19 can be difficult. But there’s help to get from the Excel sheets. Marc Moss, Global Head of Sales at Nippon Express, on how big data can increase your sales.
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Container xChange
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