Personal meetings are the foundation for networking in container logistics. In the times of COVID-19 that has been difficult. Container xChange has decided to help out and open its formerly client-only event to the rest of the industry. At the Digital Container Summit, attendees will be able to network with the entire industry – and do that face to face.

The Corona-virus has put a halt to many things in container logistics in the last six months, and it will continue to do so for an unforeseeable time. For container shipping, one of the main drivers for developing your business has become impossible: The face to face meetings.

Instead of personal meetings that you need to run, develop, and expand your business , there have been a slew of Zoom meetings and webinars. Good as they may be to bring you up to speed on the on-goings in the industry and teach you something new, they hardly help you network.

Personal meetings are key

We all know that container logistics is a risky business. If you end up with a bad partner you can lose money, containers, and your reputation. All of which can make that a very expensive experience for you.

Being able to have personal meetings with people is therefore essential for many in the industry, when they consider partnering up with someone new.

This year, that has so far been close to impossible. And that’s something Container xChange wants to change by opening its virtual networking event to the entire industry. The Digital Container Summit 2020 will take place on September 3rd.

At the DCS2020, participants will be able to attend keynotes held by thought leaders in the industry – and there will be the opportunity for everyone to have one-on-one face to face meetings with 500+ shipping professionals. Because in logistics, just like in consulting, personal meetings are the key to success.

Take knowledge home

Apart from the worldwide networking opportunity at this year’s Digital Container Summit, participants will also have the chance to hear keynotes from the industry’s thought leaders.

Picture: Selection of keynote speakers at the DCS 2020

Hear Lars Jensen, CEO at SeaIntelligence Consulting, talk about how disruptive the pandemic is to container shipping. Attend Eytan Buchman’s keynote about what needs to happen on an online platform for you to get customers. Or jump over and get some insights from Marc Moss, Global Head of Business Development, who will be talking about how everyone can use big data, and how that can impact vast improvements in sales.

The Digital Container Summit is still open for submissions of additional speaker topics or partner booths — get in touch with for more details, or click on the banner below to purchase your ticket now.