Radu Palamariu, Managing Director of Alcott Global, has seven skills that he believes are required to be successful in the global supply chains. Want to know more? Get a sneak-peek of his keynote at the Digital Container Summit 2020 right here.

Having been in the industry for more than 12 years now, Radu Palamariu sure knows the tipping points of the supply chain business. He won’t reveal all the secrets right away, but here’s a sneak-peek of the knowledge he will be sharing — revealing insights about the industry, and what skills are most relevant for professionals to succeed today.

Because there are certain skills that will make you and your business successful, according to Palamariu. With his keynote “7 Essential Skills of a Supply Chain Leader”, Palamariu will show and tell you how each skillset will help you in the world of supply chain. He will also decode each of them with practical examples and case studies.

Passion & People

The supply chain industry is evolving. And so are some of the skills needed. While the basic principles like building partnerships, sourcing raw materials, etc. remain the same; some things have changed a lot – thanks to technology, ways of engagement, and so on.

Palamariu is excited about the transformation that the supply chain industry is undergoing because of technology. But he believes, without people implementing the technology, understanding how to use it, and people working together on it, companies aren’t going to achieve anything.

“Ultimately, people are the most important element in any company. People will make companies flourish or fail,” Palamariu states.

It’s the people who make all the difference – people who can create a team, blend different qualities, and skillsets with a common goal that adds value and helps other people. And that’s what Palamariu is most passionate about.

And he will share his passion and knowledge at the Digital Container Summit 2020 about the top skills required by a supply chain leader.

“Broadly speaking, there are 3 hard skills, 3 soft skills, and 1 fundamental skill that’s required for supply chain leaders”, says Palamariu, who heads the global supply chain ecosystem.

Wanna get an insider’s peak? Here are 2 of those much-required skills.

Drive Data, Tell Stories

“Data is the new oil, gold…”, says Palamariu.

The most valuable companies in the world are data-driven. And it is the same in the supply chains, maritime, logistics, shipping, everywhere. The supply chain is all about data and this aspect hasn’t been more important than it is today.

So, whether you’re at an executive level, mid-level, or might just be starting, one of the most necessary and relevant hard skills is analytics – the ability to understand data. Companies need to understand how to make use of this data, its principles, and leverage them to make decisions. As a supply chain leader, this skill set is indispensable.

Another key skill required to be successful in the supply chain career, he states, is presentation and communication skills. Any supply chain professional needs to know the art of telling a story and “…presenting it in a way that you attract partners and the ecosystem external to your company”.

If you want to hear more about Palamariu’s take on how to succeed in the industry, watch the video podcast below 👇

These skills are all the more important if any professional wants to grow their career and create that level of influence and impact in the industry. And this is not all. Palamariu holds an ocean of knowledge and experience. Which he will share at the Digital Container Summit 2020.

Reserve your spots for the summit and hear Palamariu talk about the supply chain industry and a lot more. Just click on the banner below to book your ticket.

The Digital Container Summit 2020

This year’s Digital Container Summit will be just that – digital. We, at xChange, are creating an online event on September 3rd. It has the most important features of last year’s Digital Container Summit.

You will get a full day of personal video meetings with other shipping companies and thought leaders. All sharing their knowledge as well as getting updated about the latest trends and changes in the industry.

Find, meet, and build businesses with new partners around the world. Schedule face-to-face personal meetings with thousands of owners, directors, operations people from the container shipping industry. All this, without the high traveling costs, VISA applications, and accommodation expenses.

There will also be keynote sessions and virtual workshops by industry leaders. These sessions will be live-streamed with an interactive chat. That way you can ask questions on the current topics being discussed.

The Digital Container Summit 2020 is open to the entire container logistics industry. The DCS is the only industry-wide networking opportunity in 2020.

Click on the banner below, and allow yourself to expand your network and be updated on the on-goings in the industry, all from the comfort of your computer screen.

DCS Keynote Speaker Unveils the most important skills to succeed in the Supply Chain
Article Name
DCS Keynote Speaker Unveils the most important skills to succeed in the Supply Chain
Radu Palamariu, Managing Director of Alcott Global, has seven skills needed to succeed in the supply chains. Get a sneak-peek of his DCS 2020 keynote here.
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Container xChange
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