The uncertainty has gotten its hold on the global shipping industry. Get a sneak-peek into the future of shipping with forecasts from DCS speaker Martin Dixon, Head of Research Products at Drewry.

With almost 10 years in the shipping industry, Martin Dixon, Head of Research Products at Drewry, has been far around. First, as a journalist covering the on-goings in the industry. Now, as a consultant helping businesses grow.

And with the work as a consultant, Martin Dixon has a look at the industry that many of us don’t have. He sees it all from a distance. Not just from his own point of view as a business owner such as an NVOC or freight forwarder. But from different views across the industry.

“I think that’s the great benefit of working in a consultancy because you can have a much higher-level view of what is happening around the sector and, of course, globally,” Dixon says.

This higher-level view is one he will be using at his keynote at the Digital Container Summit 2020. Here, he will talk about “COVID-19 impacts for container shipping”. As well as give some of Drewry’s reputable forecasts.

A look at the future

We all know that the Corona-pandemic is affecting everyone – also everyone in the global shipping industry. But not all, in the same way, Dixon points out. These different aspects and impacts will Dixon cover at his keynote when he takes a look into the future.

“There are a number of different scenarios in terms of how the global economy could develop. Depending really on what happens to the COVID-19 outbreak. And so, I’ll be talking to those,” he says.

With these uncertainties in the industry, it’s difficult to have anything steady to rely on for many companies. Making it even more relevant to make use of forecasts made by professional analysts, Dixon points out:

“There’s a lot of uncertainty in the market, and increasingly companies are looking for some level of certainty through the forecasts different analysts provide. We’ve been doing this for 50 years, so we think we know what we’re doing.”

Want to know more about Drewry and Martin Dixon’s work? Then have a look at the video podcast below👇

Everything is intertwined

With the industry still trying to find its footing, the pricing of services and equipment is even more important. Because your prices need to match the market price. But finding that price can be tricky. Depending on how the trade develops, Dixon explains:

“I think there are a number of things we can deduce from what’s happening and we can make some pretty good forecasts for how the trades may develop, what that means then for different stakeholders and particularly for the price which forwarders and shippers will need to pay to move cargo with the shipping lines.”

And Dixon knows a thing or two about pricing. Apart from being Head of Research Products, he’s also the person behind the Drewry’s Forwarder Benchmarking Club. A platform that helps members to benchmark their ocean carrier rates against their peers.

This is why he will also be giving his input on how to do the best pricing at his keynote on September 3rd. Do you want to learn more? Click on the banner above and buy your ticket now.

About the Digital Container Summit 2020

This year’s Digital Container Summit will be just that – digital. We, at xChange, are creating an online event on September 3rd. That has all the most important features from last year’s Digital Container Summit. This way, you will get a full day of personal video meetings with other shipping companies for you to discuss business. As well as getting updated on the latest trends and changes in the industry.

Find, meet, and build businesses with new partners around the world. Schedule face-to-face personal meetings with thousands of owners, directors, operations people from the container shipping industry. All this, without the high traveling costs, VISA application, and accommodation.

There will also be keynote sessions and virtual workshops by industry leaders. These sessions will be live-streamed with an interactive chat. That way you can ask questions on the current topics, that’ll be discussed.

The Digital Container Summit 2020 is open to the entire container logistics industry. The DCS is the only industrywide networking opportunity in 2020.

So, click on the banner below, and give yourself the opportunity to expand your network. And be updated on the on-goings in the industry, all from the comfort of your computer screen.

Corona and the Future: Get Forecasts for the Shipping Industry with DCS Speaker
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Corona and the Future: Get Forecasts for the Shipping Industry with DCS Speaker
The uncertainty has gotten its hold on the global shipping industry. Get a sneak-peek into the future of shipping with forecasts from DCS speaker Martin Dixon, Head of Research Products at Drewry.
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Container xChange
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