Want to find containers and get the best deals possible? On the Container xChange online shipping container marketplace, you get an overview of containers, conditions, and pricing. That way, you’re sure you don’t pay too much for your next boxes.

Want to see how many containers are for sale in locations where you need them? Find out right here.

Please select a valid location.

Looking to buy a single container? Check out our basic trading membership, which is ideal for one-time buyers!

Two easy ways to get a shipping container

No one knows better than you how overwhelming the container business can get. With the ever-flourishing global trade, there is a steady rise in demand for shipping containers. However, it’s not always easy to find the container you’re looking for, that too, at a good price. Thus, you must chart down a few details before you start shelling out money. For instance:

  • Your requirement/purpose of the container
  • Type and size of container needed
  • Duration you need the container for 

Once you’re clear on  these, it’ll make finding a shipping container much easier and faster. If you need a container, there are two easy ways to get your hands on them – leasing or buying. Take a quick look at the top 10 container leasing companies in the market today.  

If you aren’t sure which of these two options you should choose, fret not! We are here to help you out. Let’s quickly understand when is it a good idea to lease and when to buy: 

Lease a container when you: 

  • Need containers but don’t have capital at hand.
  • Want to increase your operational flexibility.  
  • Aren’t sure how your long-term demands will take shape.
  • Experience a temporary surge in demand for containers and need to increase your container fleet. 

Buy a container when you: 

  • Need containers for an indefinite period. 
  • Need only a few containers for storage on your premise. 
  • Use them often and your demand is forecasted to stay high. 
  • Use containers for both storage and shipments. 
  • Want to modify containers or convert them into something else. 

If you’re still confused about leasing and buying, you can learn all about it in this blog post

Lease container








Your shipping container marketplace

Container trading is tricky, complicated, and can get exhausting too. This is where xChange trading marketplace comes to your help. This online neutral platform brings together buyers and sellers of containers under one roof. It helps you get an overview of the shipping container marketplace and makes the process easy. 

With the xChange trading marketplace you can, 

  • Buy and sell containers without commission.
  • Find containers from 800+ certified partners in  2,500+ locations. 
  • Advertise your stock and know your counterpart.
  • Negotiate deals directly with other partners and secure the best prices. 
  • You can determine your storage charges within seconds. 
  • Get 24/7 support from our customer success team.

Our neutral trading platform helps you, 

  • Buy and sell containers effortlessly
  • Grow your partner network with global buy and sell options.
  • Gain market transparency. 
  • Find containers you’re looking for and get notified of new market trends and offers. 
  • Manage all transactions in one place. 
  • Protect your payments and get assistance from the customer service team, if needed. 

Shipping container trading

If you are looking to buy containers, click on the banner below. Our experts are here to help you get started.  

Banner A safe place to buy and sell containers

What’s, according to you, the most important factor while buying or selling containers? 

For us, it’s market transparency. If you nodded in agreement too, we think alike. 

On that note, let’s see how having market transparency helps you get a better market overview. 

Using and owning containers is an operational nightmare. In the shipping business, market transparency is limited. Thus, the trust factor is low too. 

People now look for a platform that provides not just transparency in the market but the shipping business too. 

And xChange ensures exactly that. Here, you, as a member, can have instant visibility of available containers. You can also see your partner’s company profiles, reviews, and ratings by their peers. Moreover, you can see different sales offers and the prices of all the available containers. You can even compare these prices with each other. How cool is that! 

xChange understands the importance of trust in business. That’s why it adheres to a strict vetting process. Every member goes through mandatory vetting before joining the platform. This ensures that every member in the platform is certified – and you know who you’re dealing with. Currently, xChange has more than 800 vetted members in 2,500 locations around the globe. Be rest assured to find a genuine partner for your business. 

Find the best container prices

Getting your hands on the right container is not always enough. Knowing the container price and how much you should shell out is important too. You don’t want to end up burning a hole in your pocket, do you? 

Thus, you must gather some understanding on container prices on your shipping container marketplace. You must know that the price of a container depends on various factors. Location, type and demand, and supply are a few of them, 

But this neutral platform helps you see the average container prices. For example, you will get the lowest price for a 20ft dry container (cargo worthy) in Pakistan ($1,448.7). And the highest price in US ($ 3,263.4).  

Shipping container prices

Container xChange’s container marketplace gives you a wide range of possibilities to find the container you’re looking for. xChange ensures that you connect with certified partners and get the best deal. Skip the struggle of looking for traders offering you competitive pricing. Click the banner below to get a quick demo of xChange trading marketplace.   


Available container types on the marketplace

Vetted partners from 2,500 locations are members at xChange. It’s these members who directly deal with each other when they sell and buy equipment. 

When you find the  container you’re looking for, you’ve got the liberty to directly message the seller and negotiate the terms. And all this, straight from the comfort of your home. 

So, what’s xChange’s role here, you may ask? Well, xChange is a neutral platform that brings together trustworthy parties – container owners and users. However, this doesn’t mean that the capacity on the platform is unreliable. With more than 800 companies having access to the platform, 70 million transactions have so far been annualized.

There are many different container types available in the marketplace. Some of the most common types are the 20ft dry container, the 40ft dry container, and high cube containers. There’s also special equipment to choose from. Refrigerated containers to tanks and open-top containers, you’ve got a wide range of options. 

trading dashboard

Grow, negotiate, and pay – all on the shipping container marketplace

If you’re looking to buy or sell containers from certified trading companies, you’re at the right place. The shipping container marketplace makes container trading a simple and convenient experience for you. 

Want to do a one-time container buy? Try out our basic trading membership, perfect for that!

Is buying and selling a part of your business? Then keep on reading.

Increase profits with xChange trading

For just US$190 per month, you get unlimited access to the platform and its 1,500+ members. As a Professional Member, you can:

  • Get vetted partners and make risk-free deals

All companies undergo a mandatory vetting process before becoming members. This means, that you can do business with all xChange members. Risk-free. On top of this, all companies also have public profiles. Here, you can see reviews from previous partners – and how they’ve rated them. Want an extra layer of security? Keep on reading!

  • Conduct 100% secure transactions

Not only, does xChange ensure that all sellers are vetted. We also protect the buyers. So, you don’t have to worry about paying and not getting your assets. Our dedicated Customer Service team makes sure that your container operations go smoothly. And that your payments are completely secure.

  • Choose between 10,000 boxes and make unlimited deals

Do you need a container type that you can’t find in your current sourcing channels? Don’t worry. With over 10,000 containers located across 2,500+ unique locations, Container xChange makes it easy for you to find the containers you need.

  • Know market cost and get better price on containers

Find the containers that fit your needs – and compare prices with other offers. On the trading marketplace, you get a full overview of available containers. And you can see what other sellers want for their boxes. Not satisfied with the price? Text the seller right on the platform and agree on a price right then and there.

And if you have any doubts or face any issues during the process, a team of experts is available 24/7 for assistance. 

You get all this right from your computer screen and much more for just US $190 per month. Want to see how you can do business with companies such as Trident, SeaCo Global, and SeaCube? Click on the banner below and our expert team will give you a free tour of the platform.


Article Name
Container xChange | Buy or sell containers on the online shipping container marketplace
Find new and used containers on the xChange shipping container marketplace. Here you negotiate directly with other companies and get the best deal.
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Container xChange
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