A container tracking system is helpful to track your container and know their precise location. It’s also important to keep your clients informed on the whereabouts of their cargo. This blog will take you through all the nuances of container tracking along with the benefits and best container tracking system.

What is container tracking system

Moving cargo through ocean freight isn’t a cakewalk – especially when you’re waiting on the other end asking for updates about your box. It often ends up creating more anxiety as the uncertainty builds up on your worries. This is where the role of technology makes itself evident and we resort to container tracking. 

After booking or registering a container and signing the contract — you’re given a container number and a tracking id. This helps you to locate your containers. However, most of the service-providers experience glitches in being transparent with customers about containers’ location. Container xChange plays an integral role in aiding you throughout the process to avoid this hassle. We offer seamless container tracking to smoothen the creases on your forehead and enable you to keep an eye at every location that your box sails across.

Container xChange & container tracking system 

Wondering how container tracking works? Let’s help you understand the dynamics here. A container tracking system is a GPS-based system that allows users to track the location of their cargo containers in real-time. This type of system can be used to track both land-based and maritime containers. 

Many freight forwarders and businesses like you who frequently ship goods via sea, road or rail often use container tracking systems. 

With GPS trackers doing our job of keeping tabs, it also enables us to plan ahead and understand a real-time estimation of our boxes arrival/ departure.

Benefits of container tracking

Container tracking is a significant technological development that has many benefits for both shippers and cargo owners. Here are the four benefits why you should use a container tracking system: 

  • Container tracking can help you avoid misplacing  your cargo. If your container goes off-the-track, you’ll be able to track it down and get it back on track. 
  • It can help you save money. If you know where your container is, you can plan your route accordingly and avoid costly detours. 
  • It’ll help you improve your customer service. If your customers know that their shipment is being tracked, they’ll be more likely to trust you with their business. This also serves well when your clients are able to build trust in terms of communication and thus relying on your business more. 
  • The process can help you avoid customs delays. If you have all the information about your shipment, you can clear customs without any delays. 

Thus, container tracking is not only helpful but also essential for anyone who regularly ships freight via container. By tracking your containers, you can avoid many potential but avoidable problems and ensure that your shipments arrive on time, as planned and intact.

How containers are tracked

You will mainly find two ways that containers are being tracked. One way is through location tracking – making the containers smart with technology. The other way is the more classic approach: through communication.

There are many different partners and touch-points when a container is moving from position A to position B. When containers are tracked through communication, the logistics manager normally verifies each checkpoint to make sure the container is where it’s supposed to be.

Instead of using a container tracking system, you also have the possibility to settle for the updates you can get through the carrier’s website. When you search for information on the position of your containers there, you often have to insert the container number, Bill of Lading, or booking number in a search field. Then the carrier’s information should pop up on your screen.

How does a container tracking system work?

A container tracking system aids in reducing lost cargo, increasing visibility into the supply chain, and reducing theft. But before we tread ahead, it’s important to delve into its details to smoothen your process of shipping a container.

At Container xChange, container tracking is a smooth process without many hiccups.

  • The Container Tracking Dashboard from Container xChange offers a comprehensive overview of your box, with the ability to drill down into specific container numbers, locations, partners or contracts.
  • This makes it easy to keep track of ETAs, delay warnings and rollovers, and to share this information with colleagues or customers.
  • The dashboard also provides invaluable insights into trends and patterns, so you can make informed decisions about your shipping operations.
  • With us, you can be sure that you have all the information you need to run your business efficiently and effectively.

Container xChange is committed to making your job easier. That’s why we offer a variety of features designed to help you plan and execute your shipping projects more efficiently. One of these features is our auto-alert system. With this system, you’ll receive immediate notification in the event of delays, discharge, rollovers or lengthy wait times. This way, you can quickly update yourselves and avoid any unnecessary disruptions. In addition, you can also share these alerts with your team in real-time, ensuring that everyone is on the same page. With Container xChange, improved planning is just a click away.

In addition to these features, we also help you understand the role of other factors in sea freight including bill of lading – which is an important document to keep a tab on. Let’s talk more about it here –

Role of Bill of Lading

If you’re thinking how are we interconnecting bill of lading with container tracking – here’s how.  Bill of Lading plays a significant role in knowing the location of your box. It’s a part of legalities followed in the process of shipping and is a binding document issued by a carrier to the shipper.

A bill of lading is a legal document that outlines the terms of a shipment. It’s used by businesses to track their goods as they’re transported from one location to another. The bill of lading includes information such as the shipper’s name and address, the consignee’s name and address, a description of the goods being shipped, and the weight and volume of the shipment. 

In addition, the bill of lading must be signed by an authorized representative of the shipper in order for the shipment to be considered valid. Once the bill of lading has been signed, it becomes a binding contract between the shipper and the carrier. This contract outlines the rights and responsibilities of both parties, and it provides a means of tracking the shipment in case of lost or damaged goods.

Container tracking system and the future

Tracking your container doesn’t have to be this frustrating or time-consuming for you. At Container xChange, our vision is to challenge the status quo. That’s why we developed xChange Tracking.

With xChange’s premium container tracking system, xChange Tracking, you type in the container number once. The number is then stored, and you will automatically receive information and updates on your fleet. You can, with xChange Tracking, track all the containers you’re using – both containers you’re using on the xChange platform and outside of the platform.

Minimizing the hassle with container tracking system

If you’ve ever tried to search for data on a carrier’s website, you know it can be a frustrating experience. Often, there is very little data available. And if you have a xChange Tracking feature of 100 containers, manually entering the container number for each one is time-consuming. Furthermore, if you don’t have anywhere to store the data, you have to repeat the process every time you want an update on your containers. This can be a major headache for businesses that rely on shipping containers to move their goods. 

The process of tracking down an international container can be cumbersome. This is because you may not always be able to find the information you need on the carrier’s website. And then you have to start all over again, which can waste a lot of time and effort. Unfortunately, this is a problem that everyone in the shipping industry has to deal with. Lack of data is a major issue that can impact the whole industry. 

For example, improving carrier websites so that it’s easier to find the information you need. In addition, integrating more data to the public so that people can easily track down containers. With these measures in place, it would be easier for everyone involved in the shipping industry to do their job.

Fortunately, Container xChange helps with this as there are now tools available that make it easy to track your shipping containers and get real-time updates on their location. Registering with us – even if your container wasn’t bought or procured from us – you can track your box and be rest assured that your goods are safe and on track.

Track your containers with xChange effortlessly

At Container xChange, we’re working to help you lessen your tracking worries and provide real time location of your boxes. Regardless of buying, leasing, selling or trading your boxes with us, we help you keep a tab on them by the container number – making it easier for you to ship your cargo and stay worry-free. 

If you’re someone who has wrapped the deal at our platform with a credible list of suppliers registered with us – the process gets even smoother because all the clients on Container xChange are properly vetted and verified – leaving no scope of disappointment for you. We aid you with automated container tracking and further keep you posted with notifications along with accurate real-time checks and checking the dashboard for latest information on: 

  • Container ETAs
  • Delay warnings 
  • Rollovers within the company and with customers and 
  • Digitizing the industry with Container xChange’s services

Being a part of the Container xChange community will help you sail easily when transporting your cargo through sea freight. Our platform also massively helps businesses in maintaining healthy relationships with their customers. It’ll help your clients stay informed and aid you in maintaining transparency with them.

One of our happy clients, Elizabeth David, Operations Director, thinks on similar lines. She says, “xChange Tracking enables us to gain trust from our customers, make corresponding decisions in a timely manner and ultimately help our customers save money. We use ETAs and delay warnings to organize schedules, to report relevant status updates to our customers and to prepare appointments supporting our vendors. We are happy xChange Tracking customers!

Container Tracking System | The Holes, the Upsides, and the Future
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Container Tracking System | The Holes, the Upsides, and the Future
When containers move around the world many things can go wrong. That’s why a container tracking system is important. Let’s have a look at the pros and cons of current systems and the future of container tracking.
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Container xChange
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